Multiplicative Weight Updates

Date Topic Presenter
Jun 1, 2018 Multiplicative Weight Updates as Mirror Descent Julian Romero
Jun 8, 2018 Weighted Majority Zhuan Khye Koh
Jun 15, 2018 “Randomized Rounding without Solving the Linear Program” (1995) by Neal Young Justin Toth
Jun 22, 2018 Packing and Covering LP’s Jochen Koenemann
Jun 29, 2018 ISMP 2018. This Friday we have no talks.
Jul 6, 2018 ISMP 2018. This Friday we have no talks.
Jul 13, 2018 Entropy, Information and Other Interpretations Akshay Ramachadran
Jul 20, 2018 “Nearly Linear-Time Approximation Schemes for Mixed Packing/Covering and Facility-Location Linear Programs” (2014) by Neal Young and “Near-linear time approximation schemes for some implicit fractional packing problems” (2017) by Chandra Chekuri and Kent Quanrud Sharat Ibrahimpur
Jul 27, 2018 Matrix Multiplicative Weight Updates Sina Rezazadeh
Aug 3, 2018 “Spectral Sparsification and Regret Minimization Beyond Matrix Multiplicative Updates” (2015) by Zeyuan Allen-Zhu, Zhenyu Liao, and Lorenzo Orecchia Hong Zhou